Creating Content for Your Site
So, what will your site be all about?
Do you have a hobby that you want to talk about? Sports? Music? Do you love animals? Cats maybe? Do you have social interests / concerns? Are you an artist who wants to showcase their work? A poet? Are you into cooking? Travel? Archeology? Astrology? Astronomy? Computers? Are you a gamer? Or do you just want to blog about all sorts of things, but you want to do this in a well designed, aesthetic manner?
Or are you a business owner who wants to promote their products or services? Or do you want to go all the way and set up a shopping site?
Create a site map to work out how your content will get distributed across your site. The mindmap above was made by former SU student Seymur Malikov whose site was about his own Origami practice. A good way to do this is with a mindmaping software. Lots of them online, one of the best ones I found is edrawmind, but Canva also offers you some nice templates to work with.
Then write the text since the only way to create a graphic design project is through text. You can write the text on any text software but a good one to use is google docs where you can also re-create the pages that you decided upon in your site map as bookmarks using the different headings.