Wix Elements
The video gallery above shows you some of the Wix toys. The idea is to take a quick look at the video thumbnails and then to go and watch what you are specifically interested in. And below are examples for you to get a quick overview.
These are the key element of Wix design. Everything you place on your page - be it texts or images - should go inside a strip, and different sections of your content should be placed inside different strips that follow each other, so that your site can be organized very quickly and efficiently, especially when it comes to optimizing your site for the phone.
Strips can also be stretched just to the "page" (the area denoted by the 2 dashed lines in the middle).
Strips can also be divided into columns, inside of which different types of content can be placed.
Strips also have very nice scroll animations and various other effects which you can find under the settings. So, do not forget to look at all of those features as well.

Full width image or video strips are very good page starters and they also make for nice breaks on a long page.

Videos or images placed only to the page width strips can be very good section breaks on a long page as well. But then they can also be used very effectively as text dividers within a section.
Slideshows are excellent for home pages. Just like strips they can also be used as section breaks on long pages, or to give further/multipart messages within a section, such as the one above.
What you see above may not look like a "list" but that is still what it is called under the interactive tab of the add menu.
The design stays the same on each module but the content changes.
Their primary purpose are practical things such as listing company workers and so on.
But they can be also used as page stoppers or as a home page element.
I also made a proper list of items here which is also designed with visuals, but still using the list gadget the way that it is actually meant to be used, and that one you can see right below.
Growing wild over much of the Near East and Central Asia, tulips were cultivated in Constantinople as early as 1055. By the 15th century, tulips were among the most prized flowers; becoming the symbol of the Ottomans. They were rapidly introduced into Europe and became a frenzied commodity during tulip mania.
A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa. Their flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colors ranging from white through yellows and reds. Most species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers native to Europe, North America, and northwestern Africa.
Orchidaceae is a diverse and widespread family of flowering plants, with blooms that are often colourful and fragrant. Along with the Asteraceae, they are one of the two largest families of flowering plants. The Orchidaceae have about 28,000 currently accepted species, distributed in about 763 genera.
Hover Boxes

“To do good work one must eat well, be well housed, have one’s fling from time to time, smoke one’s pipe, and drink one’s coffee in peace.”
____ Vincent Van Gogh
Would you like to know what someone quite wonderful said about the essentials of an existence that would be conducive to good work?
The idea with the hover box is that your message has to have 2 parts, the first of which gets placed inside a container box, underneath which is a second one that then holds the rest of the message.
Hover Repeaters

“Trying to define yourself is like...

___ Alan Watts
... trying to bite your own teeth.”

"It is what it is...

___ Dan Flavin
... and it ain’t nothing else.”

"What you see is...

___ Frank Stella
... what you see."

"You shouldn’t be a prisoner...

___ Sol LeWitt
... of your own ideas.”
Hover repeaters are design elements with which you can create a design system of containers. While all of these repeat themselves exactly as you configured them, the actual messages of the texts and the visuals differ from box to box. Since the boxes have two layers, your message has to be made out of 2 parts - one for the upper and one for the lower container.
Tekir Efendi, one of the most respected merchants of the old Istanbul Spice Market, sets sail to contemporary lifestyles through a diverse range of products and services catering to the needs and tastes of an urban chic clientele!

Tabs can be a very useful feature if you have a type of content where separate parts are equally important but still need to be classified.
These can be very powerful additions to your site - provided that you do not go for that well worn cliché "welcome to my site".
Lightboxes can appear by default as soon as a page loads,
or they can be triggered through a button placed somewhere on your site.
A lightbox closes when you click anywhere outside of it,
however it might still be a good idea to add a close button or a cross as well.
I have put together a few examples that you can see by clicking on the buttons on the left. Scroll to the top of the page (don't click, just scroll, otherwise you will close it) to see how it looks at the top since that will be the place where it will appear if it loads automatically with the page.